Saturday, March 21, 2009

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Not all of Mexico is dangerous. Most of it is not any more dangerous than a city in the U.S. The people are hard-working, and they are happy. They don't make a lot of money, but they live near their families and play soccer several times a week with their friends. It makes them sad that people are scared to travel to Mexico, because they have pride in their country and see that it is beautiful. They know their friends and family are good people.
Lots of them speak better English than any of the visiting tourists speak Spanish. This is ironic because so many of these people live their lives trading, selling, and sleeping on the beach. They have never left Mexico, and don't have the opportunities to travel outside of their country.

1 comment:

  1. Your fans are desperately wanting more . . . more gap year blog, more gap year blog!!
